Team Savannah for Veterans
Fighting for those who fought for us

Major Sponsors
Major Sponsors

HOWMET Aerospace Foundation
Howmet Aerospace Foundation invests in STEM and technical education and workforce development initiatives, with an emphasis on increased access to STEM fields for underrepresented individuals. With a location in Midway, local members elected to provide Team Savannah with an exceptional grant.

CSX provided a grant through the Pride in Service grant program. These grants are given to organizations that honor and support national and local heroes – veterans, active military and first responders. Check them out at the link below.

Through local Walmart stores, we have been able to gain multiple grants to help out local veterans. Store 4525 in Hinesville, store 4530 in Savannah, and Sams 8202 in Savannah have all elected to provide us with grants. Check out Walmart.org at the link below.

Endurance Race Services - Savannah
This group is an amazing group to work with. ERS is devoted to helping local organizations raise money for their missions and will work hard to get much needed funding. Many people have heard of The Skidaway Marathon, Nine Line Run for the Wounded, and many others. These runs are hosted and managed by ERS.
Website: http://www.enduranceraceservices.com/
Event Sign-up: http://www.savannahraces.com/